28 Mar Casino Night 2019 – Raffle Prize Winners!

Casino Night 2019 – Raffle Prize Winners
Thank you for joining us for the Casino Night 2019 held on Friday, September 13, in The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo. Your participation in our community events continues to make a huge difference in fulfilling our mission to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease!
The following is the list of unclaimed raffle prizes and their respective winning numbers. To win the prize, please take a picture of your winning stub and send it to [email protected] by Monday, September 23 — along with your full name, phone number, shipping address and postal code.
7. Oakwood Hotels & Apartments Shin-Osaka (Osaka)
1 night in a Studio with breakfast for 2 / スタジオにて2泊朝食付き2名様
ORANGE – 284 (No Line)
8. Antonio’s (Tokyo)
Dinner course for 2 / ディナーコース2名様
PINK – 9375100
9. RUBY JACK’S Steakhouse & Bar (Tokyo)
Weekend brunch with a glass of champagne for 2 / シャンパン付きウィークエンドブランチ2名様
PINK – 9375105
10. SEPTIEME Brasserie & Bar (Tokyo)
Weekend brunch with a glass of champagne for 2 / シャンパン付きウィークエンドブランチ2名様
PINK – 7697063
13. Japan Europe Trading Co., Ltd.
A 3L bottle of Ferrari / Ferrari 3Lボトル
GREEN – 395 (No Line)
20. Hitomi Dental Clinic
Teeth Whitening for 1 / ホワイトニング1名様
ORANGE – 314 (No line)
21. Hitomi Dental Clinic
Teeth Whitening for 1 / ホワイトニング1名様
GREEN- 223 (No line)
25. Artbar Tokyo
2 adult regular sessions / アートクラス1回券 2名様
PINK – 7697115
36. PBI Japan
Tabasco Gift Set / タバスコギフトセット
ORANGE – 196 (No Line)
37. PBI Japan
Tabasco Gift Set / タバスコギフトセット
ORANGE – 422 (Red Line)