05 Sep [Intern Blog] Jonah Conrad’s Internship Experience
Please provide a brief introduction about yourself.
My name is Jonah Conrad. From the end of July, I participated in a three-week internship.
What are your thoughts after your internship in RFTC Japan?
I learned many important lessons that come with running and maintaining an organization or business. Especially, I learned about the importance of organization and proper planning. RFTC Japan is a complex and large operation involving numerous people and projects.
As an intern, I saw that firsthand by seeing the intricate details around sponsorships and tools needed to host their charity event, “Casino Night”. I also learned the importance of planning ahead of time, with many of my tasks involving around the rearranging of the organization’s inventory for future use. One example is organizing the Tabasco bottles for our charity event. Even such a simple task needed planning, and we organized them to ensure they were ready for future use.
9 Questions to Get to Know Jonah!
1. What are 3 things you can’t live without?
1.) The Mountain
2.) Gym
3.) My Cat
2. What is your current favorite book or music?
I have recently been listening to Komm, susser Tod, from to its appearance at the End of Evangelion.
3. What is your favorite movie?
Because of its serious tone and design is which rare in Godzilla films, “Shin Godzilla” is my favorite movie.
4. What is your favorite season?
Spring is my favorite season because of the mild weather. The sprouting plants and budding flowers bring back colors to the world, which were missing during winter.
5. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
1.) Sushi
2.) Ramen
3.) Pasta
6. What is your biggest fear?
I have an acute fear of cicadas. Their poor eyesight during flight causes them to fly extremely unpredictably.
7. Where would you really want to visit?
I would like to climb Mt. Fuji and watch the first sunrise of the year.
8. What would you like to be doing in 5 years?
I would like to go backpacking on the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea.
9. What is your dream?
I would like to return and work in Japan after I graduate from university.
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