24 4月 若年性乳がん患者も新薬で子供を将来持てる可能性が
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has been convening this week in Chicago. Cancer researchers, health care providers, and advocates from all over the world are meeting to review the latest research. So far, this year’s sessions on breast cancer have covered some potentially practice-changing research, with still more to come before the meeting comes to a close today.
The first theme that is pervasive throughout this meeting is the importance of collaboration to get large trials designed and completed with funding so that clinicians can ask the questions that are important to our patients. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI) have provided funding support to get this done. Cooperative groups — groups of cancer researchers that band together to study a specific question for patients — have provided additional support. Many of the studies presented during this meeting will change care for cancer patients and could not have been done without the support of these cooperative groups and governmental funding…