24 4月 私の右胸:胸のしこりとマンモグラフィー検診に直面する男性
by B. D. Colen | The Huffington Post
It began with an itch I just had to scratch. Doesn’t every adventure begin that way?
I was lying in bed reading on a Saturday evening, and without even looking I idly scratched a spot on the right side of my chest — at that point I had a chest, not breasts. As I did, my fingers rode over a small something, a little like a speed bump about an inch below and two inches to the left of my right nipple.
I stopped reading and started poking. And prodding. And pushing. And feeling. And manipulating. And panicking.
“That’s a lump!” I thought, and suddenly I had a right breast. With a lump in it…
Read the full article → My Right Breast: A Man Facing a Breast Lump and Mammogram
B.D. Colen is a Pulitzer Prize-winning former medical writer, editor, and columnist, who teaches science journalism and documentary photography at MIT.