24 4月 3Dマンモグラフィー検査による乳がん発見率向上の可能性
By Denise Grady | The New York Times
“Adding a newer test to digital mammograms can increase the detection rate for breast cancer and decrease nerve-racking false alarms, in which suspicious findings lead women to get extra scans that turn out normal, a study found.
Millions of women will get the newer test, tomosynthesis, this year. The procedure is nearly identical to a routine mammogram, except that in mammography the machine is stationary, while in tomosynthesis it moves around the breast. Sometimes called 3-D mammography, the test takes many X-rays at different angles to create a three-dimensional image of the breast. It was approved in the United States in 2011…”
Read the full article on The New York Times.