13 2月 ニュー・プリンセス・マーガレット病院のがん治療薬の治験が承認へ
The new drug (CFI-40095) developed by the team led by Drs. Tak Mak of The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and Dennis Slamon of the University of California, Los Angeles, two of the world’s most acclaimed cancer researchers, has been approved by Health Canada to proceed to Phase 1 clinical trial in Canada. In the lab, the drug has been shown to inhibit the growth of human breast and ovarian cancers as well as colorectal, glioblastoma, lung, melanoma, pancreatic and prostate cancers.”
Key supporters integral to the research and the development of the drug have been the walkers and their donors in the Shoppers Drug Mart™ Weekend To End Women’s Cancers®, with special thanks to title sponsor, Shoppers Drug Mart, and long-time, robust supporters, CIBC, as well as the Campbell family, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Genome Canada and The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).
The drug is wholly owned by University Health Network (UHN). It is expected that the clinical trial will begin later this year following approval from UHN’s Research Ethics Board.
We are grateful to all supporters and those involved in reaching this critical milestone.